Chaste Tree - Vitex Agnus-Castus

Chaste Tree – Vitex Agnus-Castus

The Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus) belongs to the Lamiaceae family and stands as a deciduous shrub or small tree. The plant achieves heights between 3 and 6 meters while developing over 2 to 5 meters wide. The plant succeeds best in soil that drains well within the pH range of 6.0 to 7.5. Each leaf of the aromatic plant displays five to seven palmate leaflets. The summer season reveals lavender to violet flowers that grow along 10 – 20 cm spikes of the plant. Each drupe of the fruit measures 4-5 mm and appears in dark brown. The plant maintains its survival in dry conditions while welcoming pollinators to its habitat. The plant thrives under full sunlight and needs approximately 2.5 centimeters of weekly water supply. Chaste Tree consists of essential oils together with iridoids and flavonoids that constitute between 0.5 – 1.5% of its total dry material content.

Characteristic Description
Size Typically 10 to 20 feet tall with a similar spread, forming a large shrub or small tree.
Appearance Deciduous, with aromatic, palmate leaves and spikes of purple or blue flowers.
Spines No spines; the tree has smooth, aromatic leaves and woody stems.
Flowers Fragrant, small, purple, or blue flowers arranged in spike-like clusters.
Fruits Small, dark purple to black berries that are aromatic and used for herbal remedies.
Root System Deep, well-established roots suitable for dry conditions.
Lifespan Can live for several decades, up to 30 years or more in ideal conditions.
Habitat Native to the Mediterranean region but widely grown in arid climates like the southwestern U.S.
Water Storage Minimal water storage; requires occasional watering in dry conditions.
Growth Rate Fast-growing, around 12 to 24 inches per year.
Flowering Time Blooms in summer, typically from late spring to early fall.
Reproduction Seed dispersal; can be propagated by seed or cuttings.

Table of Contents

How Fast Does a Chaste Tree Grow and How Big Does it Get?

Chaste Tree naturally grows between 30 to 90 centimeters annually based on soil quality and water and sunlight exposure conditions. The mature growth potential of Chaste Tree spans from 3 to 6 meters in height while its spread extends from 2 to 5 meters. The fast growth rate of Chaste Trees occurs in sunny areas that have warm temperatures and drain their water efficiently. Pruning operations regularly help preserve both the dimensions and form of plants. The multiple trunks allow the tree to generate an extensive protective shade. The tree produces abundant foliage regions that extend from each flower spike. Incoming care enables this plant to establish itself fast while turning into an impressive visual component in landscapes.

How to Prune, Trim, and Care for a Chaste Tree?

Chaste Tree pruning happens in winter months at the time of dead or inferior branch removal. You can encourage more blooms on the chaste tree by trimming it regularly after flowering. Shape control requires an annual reduction of growth by up to 30%. The plant needs access to sunlight throughout its growth period for normal development. Water deeply once a week, around 2.5 cm. Use well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 – 7.5. Apply a balanced fertilizer in spring. The base of the plant receives better moisture retention and less weed growth when mulch is applied.

How to Grow a Chaste Tree from Cuttings or Seeds?

Chaste Tree cuttings require planting in well-fertilized soil while maintaining proper moisture conditions until new roots are established. The cuttings require warm temperatures with diffused sunlight for their root initiation process. To achieve better seed germination seeds require a stratification process. The soil needs to be well-drained for sowing seeds but requires constant watering. When properly spaced with a distance of 2 – 3 meters between each plant they will grow optimally. The branching strength develops when the wood receives complete sunlight exposure. Trim young plants following their shape formation. The combination of organic mulch provides two benefits including water conservation through moisture retention and effective weed control. Use early spring to apply a balanced fertilizer to enhance plant development.

Is a Chaste Tree Evergreen or Similar to a Butterfly Bush?

A Chaste Tree loses its leaves in winter yet it does not retain its foliage like evergreen plants. This plant looks similar to a Butterfly Bush when it matures and blooms. The plants share their pleasant smell from their blooms and receive support from pollinators. The Chaste Tree reaches heights while developing woody growth along with greater branching from its base.

Are Vitex and Chaste Tree the Same?

The plant names Vitex and Chaste Tree represent a single plant. Vitex agnus-castus identifies the plant species under its scientific classification. The plant gained its name Chaste Tree because people used it for medical purposes in the past. The names Vitex and Chaste Tree represent the same flowering deciduous shrub species.

Does a Chaste Tree Attract Butterflies or Help with Acne and Weight Gain?

Butterflies are drawn to the delicate flowers of A Chaste Tree through their pleasant scent. It supports pollinators in gardens. Scientific research uses extract obtained from the plant for therapy in herbal medicine. Studies suggest the Chaste Tree has effects on acne improvement and hormonal balance potentially affecting weight regulation among specific people.

How does Chaste Tree Berry affect Fertility and Hormones?

Chaste Tree Berry helps regulate hormones through its impact on prolactin and progesterone concentrations. The use of Chaste Tree Berry creates regular menstrual patterns while demonstrating potential benefits for fertility outcomes. Some people rely on Chaste Tree Berry to alleviate premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. The hormone response to Chaste Tree Berry treatment depends on both hormonal levels in the body and the general reproductive system health status.

How to Make and Use Chaste Tree Berry Tea or Tincture?

The process of making Chaste Tree Berry tea involves soaking dried berries in hot water for a duration of 10 minutes. The production of tinctures requires placing berries in alcohol solutions that need weeks of soaking time. These remedies function similarly to support hormone regulation and cycle control and manage premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms.

How Much Chaste Tree Berry Should I Take?

Chaste Tree Berry dosage varies. The recommended daily dosage of Chaste Tree Berry supplements falls between 200-400 mg. A typical single dose of liquid extract measures between 20 and 40 drops. Talk to your healthcare provider to receive specific dosage information that considers your health needs.

Where to Buy a Chaste Tree or Berry?

You can buy Chaste Trees from three different locations in Arizona: Elgin Nursery in Phoenix and Moon Valley Nurseries and Desert Horizon Nursery in Queen Creek. Chaste Tree Berry supplements can be found at both Whole Foods Market and Natural Grocers stores within your local health system.

Are Chaste Trees Invasive, Deer-Resistant, or Toxic to Pets?

The rapid growth of Chaste Trees occurs in areas with warm climate zones. Some regions consider them invasive. Due to its powerful odor deer stay away from this plant. The tree contains no harmful elements that affect cats or dogs. The consumption of excessive amounts by livestock might cause mild disruptions to digestion and affect hormone function.

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